
Peculiarities of changes in the thin crystalline structure of quartz of the Syniavske granite deposit under the influence of drilling and blasting operations

V. Ishkov1,2, O. Baskevych3, Ye. Kozii1, O. Dreshpak1, P. Pashchenko2, M. Kozar4, T. Kasianenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by M. Polіakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

4 M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the NAS of Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:142–157

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Purpose. To determine the peculiarities of the change in the thin crystalline structure of quartz of the Syniavske granite deposit under the influence of drilling and blasting operations. 

Methods. The materials of the study consisted of samples of granites of the Syniavske deposit taken directly from one section in the quarry of the Syniavske deposit of the TDV "Rokytniansky special quarry" from a hammer-cracked, almost monolithic massif before drilling and blasting and from rock crushed already after drilling and blasting. To obtain the minimum necessary and sufficient amount of monomineral phases, the obtained samples were subjected to magnetic separation on a three-roll PCT separator with a length of 100 mm rolls. 

Results. The dimensions of the unit cell (parameters "a" and "c") of the crystal lattice of quartz from each product of magnetic separation of granites before and after blasting allowed us to establish the phenomenon of their growth, which occurs under the thermodynamic influence of blasts carried out during the development of the " Syniavske " deposit. On both crystallographic planes (101 and 211), a decrease in the size of quartz crystallites is observed both before and after blasting. In the process of primary processing of the granites of the Sinyava deposit, namely, blasting, the general anisotropy of the structure of the quartz crystal lattice increases significantly. The significant difference between the increase in the density of dislocations in the quartz crystal lattice along different spatial crystallographic planes after blasting also significantly increases the spatial anisotropy of the quartz crystal lattice.

Scientific novelty. The phenomenon of changes in the substructure of the crystal lattice of quartz - one of the main rock-forming minerals of the granites of the Syniavske deposit under the thermodynamic influence of blasting - has been revealed. Their features mainly consist in the fact that, during blasting, microdistortions occur in the structural lattices of quartz, which break the long-range order, and tense interatomic bonds are formed in it, which are then broken in the field of applied stresses and increase the dispersion of crystallites, the dimensions of the unit cell and general anisotropy of the structure of the crystal lattice of this mineral.

Practical significance. Significant qualitative changes in the crystal-chemical structure of the quartz granites of the Syniavske deposit have been established.

Keywords: granite, quartz, crystallites, deposit, diffractogram, magnetic separation, fraction, crystal structure, crystal lattice, drilling and blasting operations.


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