
Spatial distribution of germanium in coal seam с7н of the Pavlohradska mine field

V. Ishkov1,2, Ye. Kozii1, O. Chernobuk1, P. Pashchenko2, M. Kozar3, O. Dreshpak1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by M. Polіakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the NAS of Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:158–172

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The purpose of the work is to establish the features of the spatial distribution of germanium in the coal seam с7н of the "Pavlohradska" mine field in Western Donbas.

The methods of work. Each mineral fraction from the inorganic part of the с7н coal seam was selected purposefully in the mine workings and the core of 8 wells. A total of 30 samples of each mineral fraction were taken. The mineral composition of the fractions was monitored using the methods of optical microscopy and X-ray structural analysis. The identification of the mineral composition of the inorganic part of coal seams took place at 3 different scale levels: macro level – visually using standard mineralogical methods; micro level – by methods of optical microscopy using MIN-8 and MBS-9 microscopes; ultramicro level – by X-ray structural analysis.

Findings.The presence of three zones of increased germanium content was found on the area of the с7н seam, and their spatial location was established. It was established that the common features of the geological structure of the с7н coal seam of the "Pavlohradska" mine field in the areas with the maximum germanium content are the minimum thickness of the coal seam, the presence of one or two partings, the presence of at least two low-amplitude northeast-trending disturbances.

The main scientific novelty of the obtained results. The presence of genetically different forms of germanium in the с7н coal seam of the "Pavlohradska" mine field was revealed. It has been proven that the content of germanium in the с7н coal seam within the boundaries of the Pavlogradska mine field is influenced by both syngenetic factors: the thickness of the seam, the peculiarities of its structure, and the facies variability of the immediate and main roof and soil of the coal seam, as well as epigenetic factors - the presence of low-amplitude disturbances of the northeast reach.

The main practical value of the performed researchis in the substantiation of the method of the most accurate assessment of the central tendency in the distribution of a sample population of germanium concentrations in the с7н coal seam of the Pavlohradska mine field, the construction of a series of maps that reflect the features of the spatial distribution of this element within the seam.

Keywords: germanium, coal seam, mine field, normalized content, regression analysis, correlation analysis, X-ray structural analysis, frequency histograms.


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