
Composition and quality of coal seams of mine 'Novovolynska' No. 10 in the Lviv-Volyn basin and the primary directions of their utilization

V. Savchuk 1, V. Prykhodchenko 1, N. Khomenko1, D. Khomenko2

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:173–186

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Purpose. The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the composition and quality of industrial coal seams at Novovolynska No. 10 Mine Field in the Lviv-Volyn Basin, establish the grade composition, and determine the possibilities for their rational utilization.

The methods. A complex of geological methods was applied. Petrographic composition, structural features, and the degree of restoration were studied using briquette-thin sections in reflected and transmitted light with the use of a polarizing optical microscope "Polar 312". Petrographic types were determined according to the classification of the State Committee for Geology of the USSR and Y.A. Zhemchuzhnikov's classification. Coal seam typing was performed using I.B. Volkova's methodology, and the restoration degree was determined according to I.V. Yeromin's methodology. Generalization of coal quality indicators allowed for the determination of coal grade composition according to current standards in Ukraine and international standards, as well as identification of its utilization directions. Microsoft Office for Windows operating system was used as the basic software.

Findings. A comprehensive approach to studying the petrographic composition and quality of coal provided a detailed characterization of the coal composition and quality, revealed lateral regularities in their changes, determined grade composition, and established their utilization.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the coal seams of the Novovolynska mine field No. 10 were characterized in detail at the maceral level and their typical petrographic composition was presented. The genetic features of coal and the degree of their recovery have been identified. The peculiarities of the composition and quality of coal in comparison with the commercial products of other mines of the Volyn deposit were determined.

Practical significance. The grade composition of coal was determined according to the current classifications of Ukraine, Poland and the International Coal Classification. The energetical and technological value of coals has been established. The directions of further use in industry has been determined. The feasibility and potential of involving the coal reserves of the Novovolynska mine No. 10 in the fuel base of Ukraine are shown.

Keywords: coal, typical petrographic composition, quality, grade, energy value, technological value.


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