
Improving methods for planning resource support for projects of comprehensive restoration of residential buildings

L. Dadiverina1, D. Laukhin1, О. Beketov2, M. Vyhodin1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:187–197

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Purpose. Improvement of methods of resource planning of construction projects of complex reconstruction and restoration of residential urban development. To propose a model of effective planning of material and technical resources of construction projects, which will ensure the necessary accuracy and efficiency of calculations in the planning of complex projects, guarantee the execution of construction works according to the approved calendar schedules and will allow to increase the efficiency of planning, coordination of the interaction of all participants of restoration projects and reconstruction of urban residential buildings.

The methods. To achieve the goal, a mathematical model of effective management of material and technical resources of complex projects of reconstruction and restoration of urban buildings is considered.

Findings. Solving current engineering problems of rationalizing the planning of construction projects using a mathematical model for the effective management of material and technical resources of complex projects for the reconstruction and restoration of urban residential buildings.

The originality. A mathematical model of effective management of material and technical resources of complex projects of reconstruction and restoration of urban development was obtained.

Practical implementation. A model for effective management of material and technical resources based on existing software systems is proposed. The model allows us to improve the process of planning the implementation of construction projects for the restoration of urban development. The model takes into account modern strategies and standards of the global construction services market in complex reconstruction projects. It allows the use of economical construction, the basis of which is the rational management of resources at all stages of the implementation of projects for the comprehensive restoration of urban development. The use of the methodology makes it possible to reduce the risks of construction projects through the introduction of modern requirements for the rational use of material and technical resources. This will reduce time and cost while improving quality, which are mandatory in a competitive environment in the construction services market.

Keywords: planning projects, complex restoration, resource management, modeling of resource profile.


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