
The influence of reactive power compensation methods on the burning characteristics of shunted electric arc in an ore reduction furnace

V. Nezhurin1, A. Nikolenko1, D. Tsyplenkov2, O. Bobrov3, S. Fedorov2, O. Savvin1

1 Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 Rocket-and-Space Engineering College of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:219–227

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The purpose of the work was to study the effect of compensation on the stability of the combustion of an electric arc in the furnace bath.

Methodology. The results of the research of operating furnaces by traditional methods, such as measurement and oscillography of the form of voltage and current on the electrodes during the smelting of ferroalloys, were used.

Results.  Schemes of transverse capacitive compensation on the high or medium voltage side and longitudinal capacitive compensation in the medium voltage circuit of the furnace transformer are used for Electric ore reduction furnaces. Electric ore reduction furnaces are large consumers of reactive power, and their power has already reached such an amount that the value of the inductive voltage drop becomes unacceptably large; and their natural power factor does not exceed the value of 0.6–0.7. Compensation of the reactive power of the longitudinal compensation devices is traditionally resolved by usage of capacitor banks.  Determined that longitudinal compensation devices are based on the phenomenon of voltage resonance, then if there are active, inductive and capacitive resistances in the furnace circuit – the arc burns continuously, even in the case of partial compensation. This mode occurs at a power factor of about 0.85. In case of full compensation of the inductive component of resistance of the furnace circuit, the mode of arc burning changes and becomes intermittent.

Scientific novelty. Determined that with a fixed value of the power factor and the value of conductivity bc, it is very difficult to achieve ideal current resonance, and when bc = −⌂bl+bl+⌂blс the burning mode of the electric arc will be continuous; however, if the capacitive conductivity becomes more inductive, overcompensation is possible. In the case of transverse compensation, the total power of the furnace unit should be approximately 10% higher.

Practical significance. The results obtained can be used for a reasoned selection of reactive power compensation installations for existing ore reduction electric furnaces. With full compensation of the reactive power (transverse and longitudinal), the arc burning mode of the ore reduction furnace becomes intermittent.

Keywords: electric ore reduction furnace, longitudinal and transverse compensation of reactive power, electric arc, stability of arc burning, capacitor bank system, operator`s model, remnant part, identification.


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