
Geometric foundations for the determination of a flat-planetary drill cutting edge deviation

D. Dovhal1, I. Verner1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:237–246

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Purpose. The purpose of the work is to establish the function of the deviation of the cutting edge of the tool from the cutting direction, to investigate it and to determine the limit values depending on the values of the design and kinematic parameters of the flat-planetary mining combine drill.

Methodology. The basic function of the deviation of the cutting edge of the tool was established by analyzing the functions of the instantaneous values of its coordinates. Graphical and analytical studies of the characteristic forms of the tool’s motion trajectories allowed us to determine the presence of special sections and to investigate them.

Results. A method for determining the instantaneous value of the deviation function of the cutting edge of a flat-planetary drill tool has been developed. The presence of special elements on the tool’s trajectory has been established, which lead to its return with the back surface to the cutting direction, which is unacceptable. The obtained dependence of the tool’s cutting edge deviation angle θ on the main parameters of the flat-planetary drill allows, under given constraints, to establish unacceptable parameter ratios based on this indicator. It has been proved that by introducing the concept of the initial angle of the tool installation on the working disk, using the cutting edge deviation indicator, it is possible to determine the zones of effective and ineffective cutting.

Scientific novelty. The established dependencies can be applied both to flat-planetary designs of executive bodies and to others, provided that they are linked to the equations of motion of a single cutting tool. The function of the cutting edge deviation angle of the tool allows for its detailed analysis in order to assess the influence of each of the drill parameters and to minimize the difference between critical deviations at different sections of the trajectory.

Practical significance. The developed methodology allows us to exclude possible cases of the appearance of cutting edge deviation angles close to extreme values during the tool operation at the design stage. The study of the tool’s motion trajectories based on the deviation criterion will allow for a more rational selection, installation scheme and orientation of the tool, and therefore increase its efficiency.

Keywords: cutting edge, cutting tool, flat-planetary drill, kinematics of tool movement, modeling of tool movement.


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