
Study of the prospects of using composite briquettes from coffee waste for phytoremediation technologies of degraded lands

O. Kovrov1, V. Malichenko1, D. Kulikova1, Yu. Buchavyi1, V. Gruntova1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:283–291

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Purpose. Study of the prospects of using coffee waste as a potential phytomeliorant for phytoremediation technologies of degraded and polluted lands with siderate plants and justification of the optimal “soil-meliorant” ratio, at which the maximum biomass growth rates are observed.

The methodology is based on the theoretical analysis of the experience of using phytoremedial measures to restore the fertility of degraded lands, the study of the problem of coffee waste formation, and laboratory biotests with cultivating plants suitable for phytoremediation on soil mixtures amended by coffee waste.

Findings. The effect of coffee waste of different concentrations on the growth parameters of experimental siderate plants, namely white mustard (Sinapis alba), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Hungarian Brome (Bromopsis inermis), was investigated. The results of measurements of functional parts of plants are presented, taking into account possible errors. It was determined that the optimal concentration of adding coffee waste to the soil substrate, at which the best indicators of plant growth are observed, is 10-15% by mass. It is established that exceeding the recommended concentrations of coffee waste can suppress the growth of some plant crops due to certain sensitivity to the phytomeliorant dose.

The originality. It was determined that the optimal concentration of coffee waste in the composition of the soil substrate, at which the best indicators of plant growth are observed, is 10-15% by mass, which allows us to recommend effective doses of this waste product as a biofertilizer for phyto-recultivation of degraded lands.

Practical implementation. The proposed method of reusing coffee waste reveals a new applied direction that allows combine the utilization of a popular biological product with phytoremediation technologies and restoring the potential of degraded and contaminated lands.

Keywords: coffee waste, land phytoremediation, composite briquette, siderate plants.


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