
Ensuring the protection of critical infrastructure energy facilities from explosions

N. Zuievska1, L. Shaidetska1, R. Semchuk1, O. Khalymendyk2

1National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:126–135

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Purpose. Analysis of the protection of critical energy infrastructure facilities, which are often destroyed under the influence of a shock wave, which affects the stability of Ukraine's energy systems. Determination of the state of security of critical infrastructure, which ensures the functionality, continuity of work, integrity and stability, which is reflected in the life support of the population.

Methodology. To achieve this goal, a simulation of a detonation explosion and the distribution of shock waves within prismatic bodies simulating urban development using the ANSYS AUTODYN software product were carried out. In conditions of dense urban development, measures to ensure the protection of critical infrastructure facilities are selected based on the interaction of liquids, gases and solids, phase transitions, propagation of shock waves, etc.

The results of the study were obtained. The calculated parameters of the shock wave distribution limit in 15 ms after detonation were determined, the pressure data corresponding to the measurement sensors T1 and T2 were recorded, it was determined that the values of the pressure of the blast wave at the manometric points T1 and T2 are the highest about 5 ms, аt the same time, the pressure on the underground structure is almost 50% less than on the ground.

Protection of critical energy infrastructure facilities in the form of construction of underground transformer substations and their modernization in conditions of dense urban development is proposed. This is the optimal solution to eliminate problems, which arise with an increase in loads in city power grids and protect them from the action of a blast wave PCT.

Originality. The dependencies of the pressure distribution on the shock wave in time for two variants of shading of critical energy infrastructure objects, namely underground location and ground location in the urban environment, are obtained. At the same time, the parameters of the materials of the structure and the characteristics and amount of explosives were taken into account.

Practical value. The construction of underground transformer substations and their modernization in dense urban areas is the optimal solution for eliminating the problems that arise with an increase in loads in city power grids and protecting them from the effects of a blast wave.

Keywords: critical infrastructure, transformer substations, explosion, mathematical modeling, ANSYS software package.


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