
Assessment of atmospheric air pollution in Dnipro city as a result of dust entrainment from the ash-disposal areasof Prydniprovsk TPP

O. Berezniak1, O. Borysovska1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:136–146

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Purpose. The purpose of this work is to assess the pollution of atmospheric air in Dnipro city as a result of dust entrainment from the ash-disposal areas of Prydniprovsk TPP.

The methods. Assessment of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Dnipro as a result of dust entrainment from the ash-disposal areas of Prydniprovska TPP was carried out as follows: physical and chemical characteristics of the stored fly ash were determined; specific dust entrainment from the surface of dry beaches of ash-disposal areas under the most favorable conditions was determined; mathematical modeling of the spread of atmospheric air pollution of Dnipro city by suspended particles was carried out using UPCAP "ECO Center"program; a comparative assessment of dust entrainment reduction due to the gradual processing of the deposited fly ash was carried out.

FindingsAlmost 100% of the total mass of ash consists of particles smaller than 80 μm, the content of particles smaller than 10 and 2.5 μm is 27.7 and 8.2%, respectively. The main chemical compounds contained in ash are silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron (III) oxide and carbon. The gross entrainment of substances in the form of suspended fine-grained solid particles from the surface of the dry beaches of the Prydniprovska TPP ash-disposal facilities is 18,654 tons per year. The area of atmospheric air pollution of Dnipro city by suspended particles is about 850 km2 and covers Samarskyi, Sobornyi, partly Industrialnyi and Shevchenkivskyi Districts. As a result of the implementation of a waste-free technology for the processing of fly ash with the utilization of the iron-containing fraction, the area of pollution can be reduced by 13.5 times up to 63 km2, the contamination zone in this case will cover underpopulated part of Samarskyi District of the city of Dnipro.

Scientific noveltyA refined dependence of the particle size distribution of the mature Prydniprovsk TPP fly ash particles was determined for the further assessment of potential dust entrainment. For the first time, modeling of the distribution of fine-grained particles of fly ash of the Prydniprovsk TPP in the atmospheric air of the city of Dnipro was carried out, taking into account meteorological conditions, conditions of dust formation and particle size distribution.

Practical implementationThe results of the research can contribute to reducing the level of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Dnipro. This will improve the quality of life of the local population and protect the natural environment from negative impacts. Research results can also be a basis for the development and implementation of technological solutions for the waste-free processing of stored fly ash with marketable products obtaining.

Keywords: atmospheric air, fly ash, pollution, dust entrainment, fly ash processing, impact, fuel, ash-disposal area.


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