
Assessment of the non-carcinogenic risk to population health fromatmospheric air pollution in Dnipropetrovsk oblast

O. Borysovska1, O. Berezniak1, A. Harbar1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:147–160

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Purpose. The purpose of this work is to assess the non-carcinogenic risk to population health from air pollution inDnipropetrovsk Oblast.

The methods. Assessment of the non-carcinogenic risk to populationhealth from air pollution in Dnipropetrovsk Oblastwas carried out as follows: hazards were identified; dose-response relationships were assessed; priority air pollutants were ranked; and exposure was assessed using the methodology approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Findings. The ranking of priority atmospheric air pollutants in Dnipropetrovsk Oblastaccording to the comparative non-carcinogenic hazard index (HRI), which takes into account the health impact weighting factor, the population size and the amount of conditional exposure to the substance, demonstrates that phenol has the lowest HRI value in the region with a value of 4,914,088, and dust has the highest value with an index of 1,788,636,286. Phenol has the highest value of the hazard coefficient, which characterises the risk of non-carcinogenic effects from air pollution in Dnipro city with a value of 5.78, indicating a high risk of negative impact on human health from its presence in the air. The overall hazard index of non-carcinogenic risk from air pollution in Dnipro is 16.03 and is characterised as extremely high.

Scientific novelty. The dependence of the distribution of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from stationary sources in the Dnipro region by districts of the region, taking into account the number of enterprises with relevant emissions, was further developed.The classification of priority air pollutants in the Dnipro region was improved according to the value of the comparative non-carcinogenic hazard index (HRI), which takes into account the weighting factor of the impact on health, population size and the value of the conditional exposure to a substance.

Practical implementation. The research results can help to reduce air pollution in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. This will improve the quality of life of the local population and preserve the natural environment from negative impact. The research findings can also serve as a basis for developing and implementing strategies and programmes to reduce air pollution in the region. This will help the authorities to make effective and informed decisions in the field of environmental protection.

Keywords: atmospheric air, pollutants, pollution, population health, non-carcinogenic risk, exposure, hazard classes.


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