
Improvement of methodological approaches to the assessment and forecasting of changes in the environmental condition as a consequence of military actions

P. Lomazov1, А. Pavlуchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:174–183

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Goal. To study the impact of rocket explosions, UAV explosions and potential consequences for public health and ecosystems, as well as to develop methodological recommendations to reduce the impact on the environment and increase the effectiveness of safety measures in the context of possible man-made disasters arising from military operations.

Methodology. The research applied the following methods: scientific search and synthesis of literature data; statistical analysis to assess the dynamics of pollutant emissions generated during explosions in the air, on the ground, and at strategic sites, as well as their consequences—fires.

Research results. The structure of missile equipment, the design and content of chemicals, and health effects were analyzed. The potential dynamics of harmful substances entering the atmosphere from rocket fall and explosion under different conditions was estimated. The types of pollution sources arising from military operations are analyzed.

Scientific novelty. The peculiarities of the impact on the atmospheric air of explosions during rocket attacks, fires, burning of military equipment, fuel, etc. are established. The consequences and extent of the impact on the state of environmental components and human health are determined depending on the type of shells, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and other types of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the chemical composition of rocket fuel and detonation products. 

Practical significance. Awareness and minimization of environmental risks associated with the use of ammunition by providing detailed information on toxic components and their impact on health and the environment. It also outlines the need to comply with ammunition disposal regulations and improves the practice of military exercises in terms of environmental safety, which generally leads to improved regulations and an increased level of environmental safety in the context of military operations using modern weapons and missile systems.

Keywords: atmospheric air, rocket explosions, emissions of harmful substances, air quality index, atmospheric pollution index, public health.


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