
Continuity breakageof cableinorthotropic stay rope of rectangular cross-section

D. Kolosov1, O. Bilous2, H. Tantsura2, S. Onyshchenko1, A. Shustova1, K. Antonova 1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:184–193

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Purpose. Construction of an algorithm for determining a stress-strain state of a multi-layer stay rope of a rectangular cross-section with a broken reinforcing fiber.

Methods. Analytical solution of an interaction model of parallel fibers connected by elastic material of a stay rope of rectangular cross-section in the event of reinforcing element breakage using methods of mechanics of layered composite materials with soft and hard layers.

Findings. An analytical algorithm for determining a stress-strain state of a composite stay rope of rectangular cross-section with a damaged reinforcing fiber is constructed.An analytical method for determining a stress-strain state of a rope with a comprehensive consideration of structure, mechanical properties of components, layout of reinforcing fibers in a cross-section, in a presence of a broken fiber, is developed in a closed form.It is established that load unevenness on fibers is practically independent of the ratio of an amount of fibers and layers in a rope and their total amount, and the ratio of fiber placement spacing in layers and spacing of layers in case of fiber breakage in a stay rope cross-section.

Scientific novelty. It is established that load unevenness on fiber does not depend on a ratio of an amount of fibers and amount of layers in a stay rope.

Practical significance. The developed algorithm makes it possible to determine the share of tractive capacity loss of a stay rope of rectangular cross-section due to breakage of a reinforcing element. The known value of lost strength makes it possible to establish acceptable conditions for use of a rope of rectangular cross-section.

It is advisable to give a rope a shape with less resistance to air pressure by reducing the amount of layers compared to the amount of fibers in layers. Damage to a corner element of cable reinforcement is more dangerous, it leads to a load increase of almost 30 % in the most loaded fiber, while the specified parameter is less than 20 % in case of a breakage of the central fiber.

Keywords: multi-layer stay rope, stress-strain state, cable breakage, cross-section of connection to structure, orthotropic stay rope, rectangular cross-section.


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