
Algorithm for determining tensions in a stay cable with a manufacturing defect


I. Belmas1, D. Kolosov2, O. Bilous1, H. Tantsura1, S. Onyshchenko2, A. Shustova2, O. Krasnokutskyi2

1 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:194–206

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Purpose. Establishing the influence of presence of a longitudinal area, on which there is detachment of layers over a limited length of a composite orthotropic rope, on its stress-strain state.

Research methodology. Development of a method for calculating the influence of presence of a longitudinal area, on which there is detachment of layers over a limited length of a composite orthotropic rope, on its stress-strain state by constructing and analytically solving a model of a stress-strain state of a composite tractive element, considering the conditions of interaction of a rope with a permanent structure using the methods of mechanics of layered composite materials with soft and hard layers.

Findings. Analytical dependencies are obtained in a closed form, which allow determining a stress-strain state of a composite multi-layer rope with partial local detachment of a separate layer, considering the breakage of one reinforcing element.

An algorithm for determining a stress-strain state of a composite multi-layer rope with partial detachment of a separate layer considering the breakage of one reinforcing element is established.

Characteristics of a dependency of unevenness coefficients of load distribution in reinforcing elements, displacements and shear angle tangents on the ordinal number of a damaged cable in a presence of partial local detachment of a separate layer of a composite stay rope is established.

Scientific novelty. Influence character of presence of a longitudinal area, on which there is detachment of layers over a limited length of a composite orthotropic rope, on its stress-strain state is established. A method of calculating the influence of presence of an area of detached layers in a rope on its stress-strain state is developed.

Practical significance. Local detachment of layers is possible in a process of producing a composite multi-layer stay rope. The developed algorithm makes it possible to determine a stress-strain state of composite stay rope with local layer detachment. The known values of detachment allow implementing justified engineering solutions regarding the conditions of safe, temporary use of a composite rope in cable-stayed structure.

Keywords: composite stay cable, stress-strain state, mathematical model, manufacturing defect, detachment area, cable breakage, load unevenness coefficient, cable displacement, rubber shear angle.


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