
Energy-saving technology of silicate pressed material with use of micro-porous silica-earth raw materials

Ya. Liashok1, S. Podkopayev1, O. Povzun1, S. Virych1, V. Kalynychenko1

1Donetsk National Technical University,Lutsk,Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:239–248

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Purpose. Research on the possibility of producing a silicate material that hardens under reduced parameters of autoclave processing, due to the introduction of natural zeolite into the raw material mixture.

The methods. To solve the problems set in the work, following methods were used:generalization and analysis of theoretical and experimental data of domestic and foreign authors; analytical studies of raw materials (chemical, mechanical and physical-mechanical methods); laboratory experiment using physical and mechanical tests. The study of the properties of raw materials was carried out according to standardized methods.

Findings. It has been proven that natural zeolite is an effective component of silicate pressed materials for reducing heat energy consumption during their autoclaving.

It was established that with a low zeolite content, the compressive strength of lime-zeolite stone practically does not differ from the strength of limestone-sandstone. A study of the influence of the autoclave treatment regime on the strength of silicate pressed concrete, which was made using a lime-zeolite binder, was carried out. It has been experimentally confirmed that the strength-to-strength ratio of pressed silicate material on a lime-zeolite binder (compared to a similar pressed silicate material on a lime-sand binder) depends to a lesser extent on the water vapor pressure during autoclaving.

The originality. The dependences of the compressive strength limit of samples-beams made of lime-zeolite binder at different mass ratios of lime:siliceous component, as well as the dependence of the compressive strength limit of silicate pressed materials on a lime-zeolite binder on water vapor pressure during autoclave processing.

Practical implementation. The results of the research can be used at enterprises of the building materials industry in the production of silicate bricks. Replacing natural quartz sand with natural zeolite reduces the production cost of lime-zeolite binder, and the reduction of water vapor pressure during autoclaving of silicate pressed material on lime-zeolite binder reduces the consumption of high-value natural gas.

Keywords: energy saving, silicate pressed material, natural zeolite, autoclaving.


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