
Study of the influence of ore water saturation on its losses in the process of release in laboratory conditions depending on changes in the fractional composition

K. Kovbyk1

1 Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:30–37

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Purpose is to highlight the main results of the conducted experiments on the introduction of saturated water (watered) ore into laboratory conditions and to monitor the changes in losses as a result of the correction of the fractional composition, which simulates the improvement of the grinding quality.

The methods. Methodology of the model experiment. Thecalculation of the obtained data by statistical and mathematical methods.

Results. Presentation of the layout, initial conditions, and coverage of the sequence of the experiment, the creation of summary tables with the results and the construction of graphs are the result of a study to determine the level of water-saturated ore losses. Experiments have shown that as a result of the release of ore saturated with water, the loss of ore increases depending on its saturation by 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 7%, and the possibility of stable release becomes difficult. It was established that the release of ore at its saturation of 9% is impossible for laboratory conditions. Ore losses under these parameters range from 18.57% to 31.3%. As a result of the simulation of improving the quality of grinding, due to the correction of the fractional composition, it was possible to reduce the maximum losses of the mineral from 31.3% to 28.54%.

Scientific novelty. Additional regularities of the process of release of water-saturated ores are established. It was determined that changing the fractional composition reduces the level of losses during the release of water-saturated ores. A change in such parameters as the release angle and the height of the formation of ridges due to the saturation of the ore with water and the correlation of the fractional composition was revealed. The theory of ore release gained further development.

Practical significance. The method of releasing water-saturated ores in laboratory conditions has been improved. The creation of a methodology for calculating the level of losses during the development of deposits of water-rich iron ores makes it possible to use resource-saving technologies of hydro fracturing as an alternative to the classic drilling-explosive method of destroying a rock mass, or predicting the level of losses in the event of a sudden ingress of water into the treatment space.

Keywords: ore release, watered deposits, hydromining, hydrofracturing, ore release, watered ores, ore saturation, release method, mine water, underground development.


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