
Study of methods for predicting the stability of preparatory workings in the mines of Western Donbas

V. Ruskikh1, S. Poimanov1, I.Filippov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:38–45

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Purpose. Analysis of the effectiveness and feasibility of existing methods for predicting preparatory workings.

Research methodology. The research was conducted using an analytical method (analysis, explanation, synthesis, comparison) and statistical data processing method.

Research results. The conducted research allowed determining that the coal-bearing sedimentary massif of the Western Donbas, as a result of complex tectonic movements, is characterized by developed and intensive tectonic disturbances of a ruptural and plicative nature. The appearance of plicative disturbances in the hanging wall of the coal seam, accompanied by an increase in their thickness, leads to the concentration of stresses in the areas of disturbances caused by approaching the mining face. Regional plicative disturbances cause the formation of zones of anomalous activity in the intact mining massif. In addition to gravitational forces affecting the geological structure, tectonic stresses directed along the bedding plane are added to this phenomenon. Tectonic stresses are oriented in the direction of the main curvatures of the natural surface of rock deposition and depend on their magnitude. Geological deviations of various types are key indicators of anomalies in the tectonic environment and zones of reduced strength in an intact mining massif. These anomalies can result from the complex interaction of geological processes, including tectonic activity, water flow activity, and other natural factors. These deviations become fundamental factors contributing to the occurrence of gas-dynamic phenomena and rockfalls during the preparatory mining stage.

Scientific novelty. The regularity of the interaction of geomechanical parameters of elements of the "layered massif – excavation support" system has been established.

Practical significance. Studying methods for predicting the stability of preparatory workings allows for the development of effective excavation support systems according to geological conditions and prevents possible accidents and rockfalls in mining working areas.

Keywords: excavation stability, disjunctive disturbances, plicative disturbances, prediction.


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