
Justification of rational parameters for thin seam extraction based on the study of energy characteristics of the coal cutting process by the executive body

A. Khorolskyi1, Yu. Zabolotna2, V. Pochepov2, V. Medianyk2, V. Lapko2, O. Mamaikin2

1 Branch for Physics of Mining Processes of the M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dniprо, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:46–55

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Purpose. To develop a new approach for justifying rational parameters for mechanized thin seam extraction.

Methodology. The approach was developed using a method of assessing the energy characteristics of the coal extraction process through mechanized means, specifically using longwall shearers. To determine the rational parameters, the primary energy characteristics were calculated, including: energy consumption for extracting 1 cubic meter of coal; benchmark consumption for extracting 1 cubic meter of coal; and overall extraction efficiency (the ratio of energy consumption to benchmark consumption).

Findings. A new approach was proposed for rationalizing the parameters of coal extraction using longwall shearers. This involved applying the methodology for studying the energy characteristics of the extraction process. Based on the comparison of benchmark consumption and the consumption for extracting 1 cubic meter of coal, a rational application area for the most popular longwall shearers was identified. The study of the efficiency of the coal extraction process revealed that it is impractical to use drum shearers (KA80, KA200) in low thickness seams due to high energy consumption and limited adjustability of the executive body’s position in the longwall. It was also found impractical to use shearers designed for medium and high thickness seams (RKU10, RKU13) for low thickness seams due to low energy efficiency.

Originality. A methodology was developed for evaluating the energy characteristics of longwall shearers depending on the type of executive body.

Practical implications. The rational application area for longwall shearers on gently sloping seams was determined, as well as the overall efficiency of the coal extraction process using screw and drum executive bodies. It was established that modern extraction machines UKD400 and CLS-450 have relatively acceptable energy characteristics (with a generalized desirability criterion of 0.51–0.75, corresponding to satisfactory and good levels), but only within the specified passport characteristics range.

Keywords: parameter, energy characteristics, benchmark characteristics, overall efficiency, longwall shearer, range.


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