
Degassing methods and means analysis of mine workings and methane utilization to improve site degassing efficiency in the Western Donbas mines

M. Shyshov1

1LLC“DTEKEnergy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:56–73

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Purpose. To analyze the methods and means of degassing excavation workings and methane utilization to improve the efficiency of site degassing in the Western Donbas mines.

Research methodology. An integrated approach was used to achieve this goal including the analysis of existing geomechanical factors and the disclosure of the mechanism of their influence on gas production in underworked rock massif in the Western Donbas condition.

Research resultsThe methods and means of degassing excavation areas and methane utilization were analyzed. The analysis showed satisfactory degassing efficiency with the prospect of extracting a methane-air mixture with a methane concentration of 25–45%, which creates conditions for the development of methane utilization by combustion in cogeneration units for the production of heat and electricity. At the same time, the analysis of modern research on methods and means of area degassing has proved the existence of significant reserves for increasing its efficiency by choosing rational parameters of the technology of this process, taking into account the influence of geomechanical and technological factors.

Scientific novelty. Methane capture with its discharge to the Earth surface is much safer and cheaper than diluting it with air and transporting it through mine workings it has been establishedfor the first time.This makes it possible to use methane to compensate for the costs of degassing processes with the active development of the so-called site degassing. The trends in the influence of geomechanical and technological factors on gas separation processes were determined for the first time. The ideas about the mechanism of overburden displacement in the mines of Western Donbas were further developed in terms of determining the zones of stratification and fracturing of roof rocks during coal seams mining.

Practical value. The obtained results prove that determining the regularities of the influence of geomechanical and technological factors on the processes of gas emission should be based on the study of the degassing mechanism, modeling of this process and assessment of reliability based on the results of mine experiments, which will contribute to the development of underground coal mining.

Keywords: coal mine, rock massif, site degassing, geomechanical and technological factors.


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