
On the provenance of stone artefacts from the excavation materials of the zaporozhian Nekhvoroshchansky monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God

I. Nikitenko1, O. Starik2, M. Netecha1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dmytro Yavornytsky National Historical Museum of Dnipro, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:74–83

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Purpose. To determine, according to the data of petrographic analysis, the probable provenance of the raw materials of stone artefacts, namely, the fragments of tools and building stone of the Cossack times and the Late Bronze Age that were found during the archaeological excavations in the territory of the former Zaporozhian Nekhvoroshchansky Monastery, as well as to connect the results obtained with historical context.

Methods. The study of the raw material of stone artifacts was carried out by the method of petrographic analysis using a polarizing microscope. The provenance was determined by comparing the obtained petrographic characteristics of the studied samples with similar rocks according to the data of geological materials.

FindingsThe studied samples were represented by a part of a stone tool of the Early Modern period and two fragments of building material from the cultural horizon of the Late Bronze Age. According to the results of the petrographic analysis, it was established that the tools of the Cossack period were made of hornblende diorite, and the samples dated to the Bronze Age were represented by sandstones with siliceous and carbonate cement, respectively. Regarding the origin of the raw material of the Cossack period artefact, it was found that the diorite manifestations in the zone of the Middle Dnipro megablock of the Ukrainian Shield are geographically closest to the site of the excavation. The sandstone with siliceous cement is most similar to such rocks of the Oligocene-Miocene Poltavska series, which are widespread in the region. The sample of sandstone with carbonate cement was most likely formed in the zone of groundwater emergence, has a Quaternary age and could well be of local origin.

The originalityFor the first time, a petrographic study of stone artefacts from the territory of a Zaporozhian Nekhvoroshchansky Monastery was carried out. The facts of the supply of sandstones of the Poltavska series from the Samara River Valey during the Late Bronze Age and diorites from the Dnipro Valley during the Zaporozhian Cossack period to the Oril River Valey have been established.

Practical implementationThe obtained data can be used when writing scientific works on the history and archeology, as well as educational literature.

Keywords: petroarchaeology, diorite, sandstone,Zaporozhian Cossacks, Bronze Age, Nekhvoroshchansky Monastery.


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