
The role of branding for the marketing of gemmological information: global experience and features of the domestic market

S. Shevchenko1, O. Kursa1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:94–110

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Purpose. To show the importance of creating trade names and trademarks in the gem market for its effective development.

The methods. The work uses general scientific methods of research - empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation, classification), as well as methods of statistical processing and display of analyzed information.

Findings. The importance of informational support of gemstones at all stages of the creation of commercial products is shown, in particular, branding as a system of measures aimed at increasing the recognition of a certain variety of gemstones. Trademarks of gems and trademarks of certain types of cutting are considered as objects of intellectual property. The dynamics of growth in the value of Paraiba tanzanite, tsavorite, tourmaline as a result of targeted marketing of gemmological information are presented. An analysis of the existing trade names of some foreign analogues of gemstones was carried out. Trade names of gemstones of Ukraine are often limited to one or two variants (jasper, jaspilite, agate, coloured quartz and others), while among foreign analogues there is a much larger number (from 6 to 16) of trade names, which stimulates demand for them and increases interest potential buyers.

The originality. For the first time, the peculiarities of branding of well-known trade names of gemstones were analyzed in comparison with domestic varieties. It has been established that there are more than 30 trade names among gemstones of 1–4 orders and more than 20 trade names – among semi-precious gemstones of 1–2 orders, outside the legislation of Ukraine. The determination of the role of branding for the successful marketing of gemmological information and the development of the gemstone market has been further developed. It was established that among foreign analogues of domestic gemstones, there is a much larger number of trade names (agate – 6, jaspilite and petrified wood – 8 each, coloured quartz – 13, marbled limestone – 14, jasper – 16). It is shown for the first time that the presence of emotional colouring in the existing English-language trade names of the most common varieties of precious stones contributes to the growth of their recognition; at the same time, similar components for domestic precious stones are mostly absent.

Practical implementation. Analysis of the trade names of the most common varieties of gemstones in Ukraine and abroad allows us to identify what strategies can be applied to increase the competitiveness of domestic resources. Studying these aspects helps to understand which names and marketing approaches are most effective in creating a positive image and increasing demand for Ukrainian gemstones.

Keywords: trade name, trademark, branding, marketing of gemmological information, tanzanite, tsavorite, agate, jasper, coloured quartz, jaspilite.


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