
Power consumption profiles of the main fans at coal mines

A. Rukhlov1, N. Rukhlova2, М.Kyrychenko2

1 LLC "Technical University "Metinvest Polytechnic", Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:111–117

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Purpose. To determine the main indicators of the power consumption profiles of the main ventilation fans of coal mines under the condition of regulating their performance using controlled electric drive systems based on semiconductor elements.

The methods. The methods of operations research were used to analyse technological processes in terms of compliance of the actual power consumption profiles of the main fans with their expected operating modes. The methods of mathematical statistics were used to determine the statistical parameters of the electrical loading diagrams of the main ventilation fans of coal mines.

Findings. A statistical analysis of typical power consumption profiles of the main fans of coal mines with different electric drive systems has been carried out: a synchronous motor with a high-voltage frequency converter, an induction motor based on the asynchronous-thyristor cascade system, and a synchronous motor with ‘classical’ rotor excitation control without semiconductor elements. The feasibility of using adjustable electric drive systems to control the performance of main ventilation fans in terms of reducing active power consumption has been confirmed. However, at the same time, the consumption of a significant amount of reactive power is shown, which is inherent for systems based on semiconductor elements, regardless of the motor type (synchronous or asynchronous).

Originality. The statistical analysis of the actual daily power consumption profiles of the main fans of coal mines with different controlled electric drive systems has shown that the standard deviation of the active load does not exceed 1% of the rated power of the drive motor and does not depend on its type (synchronous or asynchronous).

Practical implementation. The practical value of the work is in determining the actual consumption of reactive power by the systems of controlled electric drive based on semiconductor elements. It shows its significant level, which should be provided by appropriate filter-compensating devices on the power supply buses of the motors of the main ventilation fans.

Keywords: power consumption profile, main ventilation fan, electrical loading diagrams, power consumption regulation,coal mine, reactive power.


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