
Prognostication of zones with variable physical and mechanical characteristics of soil massifs

N. Zuievska1, L. Shaidetska1, Т. Kosenko1, I. Matviichuk2

1National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine


Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:118–125

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Purpose. The use of geographic information systems, in particular Google Earth Pro and Golden Software Surfer, to predict and visualize changes in the geological structure and create 3D models of built-up areas in the central part of Kyiv.

Methodology. The research methodology included several stages and an integrated approach to the analysis of man-made soils in the city of Kyiv. Field studies were carried out with soil sampling in the building area for laboratory analyzes with the degree of concentration of man-made sediments. Modeling and data analysis with the creation of 3D models of man-made soils in the Surfer software package with interpolation of field and laboratory research data into GIS to analyze the distribution of man-made soils.

The results of the study were obtained. The results of the study emphasize the importance of an integrated approach to the analysis and management of man-made soils in the urban environment, which contributes to improving the safety and efficiency of construction processes in Kyiv. Based on the collected data, 3D models of man-made soils were created, which made it possible to visualize their distribution and assess the risks associated with construction in dense urban areas.

Originality. A methodology for studying the distribution of geotechnogenic soils depending on their concentration has been developed. The dependencies of the distribution of pollution in depth on the building area of the Podilskyi district of Kyiv have been obtained. The use of geographic information systems for forecasting the distribution and volumes of soils with variable physical and mechanical characteristics is proposed. Using Google Earth Pro cellular data and creating a 3D model allows you to analyze the concentration of pollution by man-made soils in an urbanized area.

Practical value. The results of the study allow for a better understanding of the geological structure of man-made soils and their impact on the bearing capacity of building foundations. This helps to avoid possible problems with the stability of buildings and increases the safety of building structures. The use of geographic information systems and 3D modeling makes it possible to conveniently and accurately predict the distribution of man-made soils on construction sites, which contributes to the optimization of design solutions and efficient use of resources.

Keywords: man-made soils, geographic information systems, forecasting, concentration of construction waste, construction, modeling, Surfer software package.


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