Study of the stability of a rock waste dump on weak soil: a case study of the oxidized quartzite dump
D. Brovko1, A. Bolotnikov2, A. Romanenko3
1, 2Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
2, 3Collective enterprise "ACADEMIC HOUSE", Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
3Technical University "Metinvest Polytechnic" LLC, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:30–38
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Purpose. To identify the factors influencing the stability of a rock dump on weak soil, specifically in the case of the oxidized quartzite dump located on the slope of Open Pit Mine No. 3 at PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih," as well as to determine the stability parameters of this dump based on the obtained data and results of surveying observations.
The methods. Experimental and analytical methods were employed to investigate the engineering-geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the base of the oxidized quartzite dump and the results of surveying observations for surface slope movements.
Findings. Stability parameters of the oxidized quartzite dump were calculated for different values of the safety factor SFS (Safety Factor of Stability), allowing for the determination of optimal design characteristics to ensure its stability and safety. It was found that the values of cohesion and internal friction angle decrease due to rock slides, which is important to consider during the construction and operation of dump structures to ensure safety and minimize risks.
The originality. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive approach to studying the stability of a rock dump on weak soil, specifically using the example of oxidized quartzites. The research considers the unique properties of oxidized quartzites and their interaction with weak soils, a topic that has been insufficiently explored in previous studies.
Practical implementation. The comprehensive information obtained about the geological and hydrogeological situation of the area enables effective planning and development of any construction projects on this territory. Considering the impact of rock slides on soil properties allows for the development of effective risk management strategies and minimization of potential negative consequences during construction and operation of the facilities.
Keywords: mining activity, geomechanics, dump stability, rock formations, weak soil, oxidized quartzites.
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