
Peat deposits in Ukraine and in the world: current state, reserves, problems of geological and economic evaluation

К. Коlchev1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:64–77

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Purpose. Determination of the current state of peat reserves in Ukraine and in the world.

The methods. The work uses general scientific methods of research – empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation, classification), as well as methods of statistical processing and display of analyzed information.

Findings. The data on the current state of peat reserves in the leading peat-producing countries of the world, Europe, and Ukraine are analyzed. 57% of the world's peat reserves are located in regions with boreal climates, but at the same time, tropical regions account for 21% of the reserves. This makes countries with large territories in the north (in particular, Canada and the United States) and in the tropics, in particular, Indonesia, the leaders. It was determined that there is no concept for the development of the peat industry in Ukraine. The problems of geological and economic assessment of peat deposits in Ukraine are the outdated data on the type of use, as well as environmental issues.

The originality.For the first time, the article identifies the urgent problem of reassessing geological and industrial peat reserves for existing enterprises and potential peat deposits in Ukraine. The analysis of the data shows that part of the reserves since the first geological exploration 40–60 years ago could have been converted to energy peat, which significantly increases the forecast value of reserves and requires taking this factor into account among other geological risks in the geological and economic assessment of these deposits. The environmental component of the problem of assessing geological risks for peat deposits in Ukraine has been further developed.

Practical implementation. The analysis of the current state of peat reserves allows us to clarify and inform the scientific community about the current state of peat reserves in Ukraine and the world, as the use of peat as a raw material in various industries is becoming relevant to address the problems of overcoming the consequences of the post-war economic crises and the development of innovative technologies.

Keywords: peat, reserves, peatlands, potential peat reserves.


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