Reconstruction of urban underground structures for dual purpose
N. Zuievska1, L. Shaidetska1, R. Kharchenko1, Y. Zuievskyi1
1National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine
Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:128–139
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Purpose. To propose technical solutions for the reconstruction of underground passages into dual-use structures(DPU) for temporary shelter of the population during emergencies. Considering modern requirements for safety, ergonomics and prompt response to possible emergencies, which increases the practical significance of the proposed solutions. The efficiency of various types of structures, engineering systems and technologies is analyzed to maximize their stability and reliability.
Methods. The research methodology includes modeling and analysis of various scenarios of action on the structures of underground passages, computer modeling performed with the help of 3ds MAX software, methods of comparative analysis to assess the effectiveness of various engineering solutions related to the introduction of new materials and engineering solutions.
Results. Based on the results of the study, optimal technologies for strengthening structures were identified the use of hermetic doors, increasing the thickness of walls, and the introduction of modern ventilation systems. Calculations of the maximum deformations of structures under different impact scenarios were carried out, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to improve the safety and reliability of the DPU.
Originality. The article first created a concept for the reconstruction of an underground passage for dual use, carried out a comprehensive study using numerical modeling of the impact of an explosion of different masses of TNT on an underground structure. A comprehensive analysis of the possibilities of reconstructing underground passages in the SPP using modern technologies and materials was carried out. New approaches to increasing the stability of structures in emergency conditions were identified, and methods for assessing the effectiveness of various engineering solutions were also introduced.
Practical value. The results can be applied in the design and reconstruction of underpasses. The proposed technical solutions will make it possible to effectively adapt the existing underpasses to safety requirements and turn them into dual-purpose structures that provide protection and comfort for the population during emergencies. The recommendations provided in the article can be the basis for the development of new standards in the field of critical infrastructure security.
Keywords: reconstruction, critical infrastructure, dual-use structures, security, engineering solutions, modeling, visualization.
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