
Substantiation of components of ecological groundwater recharge system for metallurgical regions of southern Ukraine

О. Nazarenko1, А. Berezovska1, Ye. Buyakova1, O. Ischenko1, Y. Sherstiuk2

National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:153–160

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PurposeTo substantiate the components of the ecological system of river basins based on the analysis of the characteristics of groundwater pollution within the metallurgical regions of southern Ukraine.

MethodsAnalysis of literary sources, statistical processing of data from hydrological and hydrogeological studies, development of experimental field and laboratory studies of cumulative soil infiltration and adsorption capacity of materials.

FindingsGeneral ideas concerning the components of the ecological system of groundwater recharge in conditions of the metallurgical regions of southern Ukraine have been formed. Data on the use of research methods of natural materials for productive infiltration of surface water and wastewater and the possibility of forming water reserves for the river basin recharge have been obtained. A methodology for studying and considering the interrelations between various toxicants of the water system has been proposed, which allows for more effective solutions to the issues of pollution localization and basin recharge.

The originalityThemethodology of studying and optimizing processes that affect the groundwater condition in regions with a high concentration of metallurgical enterprises has been improved, which comprehensively includes the identification of specific pollutants, the development of new methods of water purification, the modeling and forecasting of wastewater infiltration. A new integrated system for recharging the water basin of the region is proposed, which considers the possibility of using wastewater after its local treatment as a reserve for surface water recharging.

Practical implementationThe results of the study will be important in the formation of soil absorption maps of the southern regions of Ukraine, considering the characteristics of metallurgical regions where water is intensively involved into industrial processes, for determining the potential capacity of groundwater reserves formation, as well as for further research into water infiltration under the influence of climate change and man-made factors.

Keywords: water resources, river basin recharge, groundwater, sewage infiltration.


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