
Determination of individual tasks for the protection of soils and subsoil during the construction of wells in oil and gas fields

A. Pavlychenko1, A. Ihnatov1, Ye. Stavychnyi2, Ye. Koroviaka1, I. Askerov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Well Completion and Testing Service Department, Publicjoint-stockcompany “Ukrnafta”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:161–173

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Purpose. Conducting an analysis of the well construction cycle, the direction of which will be to establish the main factors for rationalizing approaches to the implementation of well development of fields, based on preventing deterioration in the quality of the natural environment, in particular, land resources.

Research methodology. The study of well construction features was carried out using modern methods of theoretical and experimental research using the general principles of mathematical and physical modeling. The measurement of technological parameters of drilling fluids was carried out in accordance with the standards RD-39-2-645-81 and the API 13B Drilling Fluids Testing standard.

Research results. We examined the geological and lithological features of well construction in oil and gas fields. The features of the chemical composition and technological properties of various formulations of washing liquids are analyzed. Industrial research was carried out to determine the technological properties of drilling fluids, samples of which were taken from an operating well. The principles of opening and constructing a bottomhole well are considered. Schemes for creating rational and environmentally friendly circuits for the circulation circuit of a borehole have been studied.

Originality. In accordance with the topic of scientific work, the theory and practice of rationalizing the performance of drilling operations was further developed. In particular, research has established that compliance with certain recipes for drilling fluids, using the example of humate-sodium and polymer-potassium drilling fluids, ensures their pumpability, inertness to the dispersion of active sludge, the required range of densities, the ability to clogging the filtration channels of the well walls, minimizing impact on the environment.

Practical implications. The necessity of stabilizing the technological indicators of the properties of flushing liquids with a closed circulation circuit has been proven. The need to rationalize approaches to the process of creating production sites for the construction of wells and the wells themselves is shown in order to preserve the natural state of soils and subsoil.

Keywords: well, flushing liquid, natural state, soil, environmental safety, technological indicator, chemical treatment, reagents.


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