
Dniprovske tailing dump: history, current hazards, control methods and environmental protection measures

L. Rudakov1

1Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:174–185

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Purpose. Based on the prerequisites for its creation, the history of the formation of protective dams and the filling of the “Dniprovske” tailing dump with radioactive waste, to study and critically rethink the potential negative impact that this man-made facility may cause to the environment and to propose ways to improve the level of environmental safety during its further remediation.

Research methodology. A comprehensive study of archival materials using the method of critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and practical developments to study the structure and stability of structural parameters and dimensions of protective (enclosing) dams and overlying rocks. Comparative analysis of the qualitative composition of the Dnipro River surface water in different hydrological sections. The results were processed using computer software systems.

Research results. The structure and structural dimensions of protective dams and overlying rocks are investigated and presented. The possibility of accumulation, migration and unloading of atmospheric water contaminated with radioactive substances in the base and foundation of protective soil dams from the tailing pit with its subsequent overflow and contamination of the Dnipro River surface waters was revealed.

Originality. For the first time,a comparative analysis of the quality composition of surface waters of the Dnipro River in two channels, upstream and downstream of the radioactive waste tailing pond, was carried out,which made it possible to track the dynamics of changes in the sulfate content in the Dnipro water. It was found that in most cases, the Dnipro River surface water after passing along the tailing pond downstream has higher sulfate contamination. This may indicate the correctness of the theory of unloading groundwater that has passed through radioactive waste and entered the surface waters of the Dnipro River.

Practical implications. Chemical compounds and radionuclides accumulated in the tailing pond and their water migration pose a threat of contamination of not only groundwater but also surface water. Ways and means of solving the problem of radioactive waste management are proposed to prevent its spread and minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Keywords: Dniprovsketailing dump, radioactive waste, protective dam, surface water bodies, technogenic load, environmental safety.


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