Composition of microflora of biofertilizers obtained using vermicomposting and composting technologies
О. Sidashenko1, I. Myronova1, K. Tymchyi2
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro,Ukraine
Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:186–196
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Purpose. Investigation of the microbiological composition of vermicompost in comparison with compost obtained from solid organic biomass after methane fermentation using vermicompostsing and composting technologies.
Research methodology. The study of the comparative composition of the ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms of vermicompost and compost was carried out by standard bacteriological methods of sowing on Petri dishes with subsequent colony counting to determine the number of colony-forming units (CFU/ml). The research results were calculated by MS Office Exel.
Research results. The composition of the microflora of organic biomass subjected to biotransformation by applying the method of vermicomposting using the worms culture of Eisenia and composting was investigated. A number of different ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms have been identified, including ammonifiers, micromycetes, and actinomycetes, which play an important role in restoring and improving soil fertility. It was found that the biomass after vermicomposting, had an average of 2.2 times more different groups of microorganisms compared to compost on day 55 of the study, which indicates its value and quality in terms of use as a biofertilizer.
Originality. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the microflora of vermicultured and composted biomass obtained after methane fermentation was carried out. It was found that during the first two weeks (day 15) and at the end of the study (day 55), biohumus was characterized by a higher level of microorganisms of different ecological and trophic groups, namely ammonifiers, micromycetes and actinomycetes, compared to compost, which indicates the feasibility of using vermiculture technology for the utilization of organic waste of various origins compared to the composting process.
Practical implications. The biomass produced after methane fermentation after vermicomposting can be used to produce vermicompost within 55 days, which is one of the highest quality biofertilizers that allows for the cultivation of high-quality eco-products, plays a significant role in restoring and improving soil fertility. The remains of vermiculture representatives worms of Eisenia can be used in animal husbandry, which meets the requirements of a circular economy. Thus, the vermicomposting helps to reduce the level of anthropogenic impact on the environment.
Keywords: vermicompost, vermicomposting, composting, ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms, ammonifiers, micromycetes, actinomycetes, CFU/ml.
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