Material scientific fundamentals of the application of high-tension, high-viscus steels for special-purpose structures
D. Laukhin1, K. Ziborov1, І. Soloviov1, V. Filatov1
1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine
Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:211–216
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Purpose. To develop a structural and substructural state in thick-plate rolled products made of economically microalloyed steel that ensures the required high-performance properties for modern welded metal structures of critical importance.
The methods. To achieve this purpose, methods of metallographic analysis of material structures, chemical composition analysis, and evaluation of mechanical properties were utilized, including the assessment of brittleness and susceptibility to brittle fracture at reduced testing temperatures.
Results. An analysis of the production of low-carbon steels for modern special-purpose structures was conducted. Current steels in use do not fully meet the requirements for frameworks of critical-purpose structures. Domestic thick-plate steel demonstrates significant variability in strength and plastic properties across different directions of the material's volume. For instance, strength characteristics along the rolling direction can be 1.5–2.85 times higher than those in the Z-direction. This anisotropy arises due to pronounced ferrite-pearlite banding typical of thick hot-rolled plate structures. Such structural inhomogeneities, combined with the formation of axial segregation zones, increase the risk of delamination and reduce structural reliability. Moreover, the application of steels with pronounced ferrite-pearlite banding in construction is limited due to reduced impact toughness as plate thickness increases.
The originality. The obtained results further develop the application of steels with carbonitride strengthening, considering the embrittlement coefficient. In combination with solid-solution, dislocation, and subgrain strengthening, this approach ensures a high set of properties in modern welded metal structures of critical importance along the longitudinal, transverse, and Z-directions.
Practical implementation. The application of high-strength, high-toughness, low-carbon microalloyed steels opens the possibility for constructing taller buildings and large-span bridge structures.
Keywords: low-alloy steels, controlled rolling, substructural state.
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