
A weighted average empirical model for determining the capacity of vertical steel tanks during their calibration using the electronic-optical remote measurement method

I. Akolzin1, O. Samoilenko2, Ye. Koroviaka1, O. Adamenko3

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Scientific and industrial instituteSE «UKRMETRTESTSTANDART», Kyiv, Ukraine

3Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:225–235

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Purpose. Improving the accuracy of oil and petroleum product accounting by implementing a new measurement scheme using an electron-optical remote sensing method using a laser 3D scanner.

Research methodology. To achieve the set goal, the following research methods were used: empirical modeling – to determine the calibration characteristics of vertical cylindrical tanks (hereinafter referred to as the tank) taking into account the actual wall deformations under the influence of the weight of the poured liquid; electron-optical remote measurement method – to calculate the weighted average calibration table by weighted averaging of the calibration tables of the empty and full tank.

Research results. Significant discrepancies were found between the actual deformations of the walls of vertical steel tanks under the weight of the filled liquid and the theoretical models for accounting these deformations, as specified in the regulatory documentation used for their calibration. A weighted empirical model was proposed, which addresses this issue by averaging the calibration tables of the full and empty tank.

Originality. For the first time, a highly accurate determination of the actual deformations of the walls of vertical cylindrical tanks under the weight of the filled liquid was performed using a laser 3D scanner. This allowed the creation of a weighted empirical model, which was used to calculate a weighted calibration table, significantly improving the accuracy of oil and petroleum product accounting.

Practical implications. The obtained weighted calibration table, which takes into account the actual deformations of the tank walls under the weight of the filled liquid, will significantly improve accounting accuracy. This will also allow achieving the required accuracy of oil and petroleum product accounting in tanks whose deformations do not correspond to the theoretical model used in the regulatory documentation for their calibration.

Keywords: interval capacity, weighted empirical model, calibration, electronic-optical distance measurement method, scanning, tank wall deformations.


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