
The organization of mining works  in the development of non-metallic quarry abrupt layers

V. Symonenko1, S. Savenkov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:45-54


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Purpose.To substantiate the rational organization of mining operations in steep excavation layers of non-metallic quarries in the gradual development of deposits.

The methodology is to determine the best scheme of the organization of mining operations on the temporarily non-working sections of the board by using the graph-analytical method based on the consideration of technology options for effective mining of the mineral in the steep layers.

Findings.Extraction of minerals in steep layers must be carried out on independent work sites, which are serviced by excavator-automotive equipment complex and are formed within the boundaries of each section of the temporarily non-working board. After working out each section, the excavator returns to idle at the upper horizons and begin to work out the next steep excavation layer. Deposits are developed in stages. The stage includes the development of one to three layers.

The originality.Installed new graphics based on changing the length of idle transitions of mining excavators when working out cool layer two or three working sites from the performance of non-metallic quarries (120-1760 thousand m3/year). Evaluation of the efficiency of the organization of working out steep excavation layers in open pits is proposed to be carried out by the total distance of idle transitions of LХП excavators in order to carry out a complete mining of mineral resources in one steep layer.

Practical implication.The results of the research allow us to recommend a rational (resource-saving) scheme for mining ledges on the working Board of non-metallic quarries, on which 1-3 sections of the temporarily non-working Board can operate. In permanent operation there are two working sites, and the third is first backup, and then becomes working. That is, each of the three working sites periodically enters the status of the backup. The technological scheme is applicable with excavator-automobile complexes and the delivery of mined minerals to processing plants, which are placed inside the open pit of the quarry on non-working sites or on the surface.

Keywords:site is temporarily non-working side, extraction nonmetallic minerals, phased testing career fields, idle transitions the mining and loading equipment (excavators).


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