
Software calculation of industrial mechanical ventilation

О. Bezshhasnyj1, О. Stolbchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll. res. pap. nat. min. univ. 2019, 57:139-148


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The purpose of the workis the creation of an algorithm for the operational calculation and planning of ventilation systems of existing mines for science-based selection of options for the development of mine ventilation networks and measures to improve the ventilation of the mine.

Research methods. A description given of the VentProm program, which is designed to create, supplement, and adjust the database of the aerodynamic and energy characteristics of industrial fans, select and determine their operating modes.

The solution of the problem carried out in window forms, the transition between which carried out using the menu commands or shortcut buttons.

The results.An algorithm for calculating the air flow and fan pressure required for ventilation of an industrial enterprise has been developed in accordance with the current regulatory documents. A description of the VentProm program, which is designed to create, supplement and adjust the database of the aerodynamic and energy characteristics of industrial fans, select and determine their modes of operation.

Scientific novelty.A VentProm program has been developed that solves the following tasks: calculating the air flow required for ventilation, calculating the fan head, choosing a fan, determining the actual fan parameters, creating, replenishing and adjusting the aerodynamic characteristics of the fans; viewing, correction and printing of calculation results.

The practical significance. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the use the developed algorithm allows to increase the efficiency of ventilation of existing mines in the process of mining operations through a scientifically based choice of measures to improve the mine ventilation network; the introduction of results of optimizing the distribution of air in the mine ventilation network makes it possible, only at the expense of internal mine reserves, to increase the availability of airing facilities, and thereby increase safety and improve the sanitary and hygienic working conditions of miners.

Key words:calculation algorithm, ventilation network, fan selection, database.


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