
Modern polymeric materials and technologies in 3D printing

V. Protsiv1, V. Kozechko1, V. Derbaba1, O. Bochdanov1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 65:107-117


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Purpose. The aim of the work is to assess the possibility of using three-dimensional printing for the manufacture of parts of machinery and equipment that can compete with parts manufactured by traditional methods. The article provides a classification of the main polymer materials used for 3D printing. An overview of the most common and promising materials used in this production technology is given. Among them: ABS plastic, PLA plastic, polyamide, photopolymer resins. The main properties of products obtained from these materials and examples of their use are given. Possible options for their additional processing are considered. For each of the materials, an overview of the technologies used for 3D printing is given. Based on the results of the inspection, a conclusion was made, which describes the possible prospects for the development of 3D printing and the materials used.

The methods. The methodological basis of the study included analysis, comparison and systematization. To achieve the research goal and solve the set tasks, a set of modern research methods and developments of world manufacturers of polymer materials and 3D printers was used.

Findings. The list of known polymer materials and technologies for 3D printing is quite wide and is constantly increasing due to the development of chemical and computer technologies. The use of 3D printing technologies makes it possible to increase the reliability of equipment without resorting to constructive intervention in the equipment. There are two ways to improve reliability. The first way is the use of materials for the manufacture of equipment parts with improved performance and properties. The second way is to manufacture equipment parts in one mass, excluding welding and brazed joints.

The originality. Scientific novelty lies in the development of recommendations and systematization of existing polymer materials with reference to 3D printing technologies.

Practical implimintation. The paper provides examples of the most common 3D printing technologies and the main polymer materials for printing. It is difficult to find a manufacturing industry where 3D printing is not used: they are used to manufacture parts of aircraft, spacecraft, submarines, tools, prostheses, jewelry, etc. The prospect is obvious - additive technology will soon become a priority technology for manufacturing equipment and technological machines. Thus, the technological possibilities of using a 3D printer for modeling and manufacturing real equipment parts are endless and have many advantages over traditional methods of manufacturing parts.

Keywords: materials for 3D printing, 3D printing, polymeric materials, powder


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