
Mathematical model of pressure and temperature distribution in working area of mine locomotive disc brake

A. Monia1

1 Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:161-168


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Purpose. Calculate the coordinates of the maximum temperature and the greatest pressure on the working surface for the rational parameters of the main elements of the disc brake of the mine locomotive with a multi-sector brake disc selected by mathematical modeling.

The methods. To find the coordinates of the maximum temperature and the greatest pressure on the working surface of a disc brake with a multi-sector brake disc with selected rational parameters, mathematical modeling of temperature and pressure on the friction surface was carried out.

Findings. On the basis of mathematical modeling, the maximum temperature and its coordinates and the greatest pressure on the working surface of a disc brake with a multi-sector brake disc were found. It is shown that the maximum temperature on the friction surface of the main elements of the disc brake with the selected parameters in specific mine conditions under the most unfavorable operating conditions will not exceed the permissible value.

The originality. A mathematical model of braking of a mine locomotive with a disc brake was developed, which creates a pulsating braking moment on the axle of the wheel pair, which depends on its angular coordinate, taking into account the non-linear dependence of the coupling coefficient on the relative slip, on the basis of which the parameters of the braking moment are established, which allow to improve the braking characteristics.

Practical implementation. A scientifically based engineering methodology for choosing rational parameters of the disc brake of a mine locomotive and determining the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of the drive of a mine locomotive when braking with a disc brake with a multi-sector disc has been developed. An analytical solution to the non-stationary thermal conductivity problem of finding the temperature field that occurs in the brake disc and friction linings of the disc brake of a mine locomotive when the linings are made in the form of a ring sector was obtained, on the basis of which the dependence of the relative temperature on the friction surface of the brake was found of the disk over time during cyclic braking.

Keywords: frictional pair, clutch coefficient, disc brake, braking torque, locomotive wheel, rail track.


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