
Justification of the area of efficient use of mining transportation equipment for quick conduct of preparatory works

А. Herasymenko1, A. Shyrin1, I. Inyutkin1, P. Dyachkov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:20–32

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Purpose. Determination of potential reserves for increasing the pace of district preparatory works and development of measures to ensure timely reproduction of the front of cleaning works in the conditions of intensive development of coal seams of mines of Western Donbass.

The methods. The comprehensive methodology for determining the area of effective use of transport equipment for the rapid implementation of preparatory works involves an expert assessment of the current transport and technological schemes at foreign and domestic mining enterprises of the industry and the justification of the operational parameters of the new generation of auxiliary transport, taking into account the specific conditions of the mines of Western Donbass.

Findings. According to the results of the evaluation of the transport and technological schemes for carrying out stratum preparatory works with bottom rocks prone to heaving, it has been proven that suspended monorail roads with diesel locomotives have a number of advantages over traditional types of vehicles. Air-wheeled self-propelled machines distributed at foreign enterprises of the industry require an increase in the design cross-sections of the preparatory products and the implementation of special measures for the formation of the carriageway and the sole of the products.

The originality. Innovative technical solutions to increase the adaptability of technological schemes of auxiliary transport for the rapid implementation of reservoir preparatory works with bottom rocks prone to swelling are substantiated.

Practical implementation. It has been proven that the recommended technical solutions meet the requirements of timely preparation of new mining pillars in the conditions of intensification of cleaning works and are considered as a promising direction for improving the current schemes of auxiliary transport for mines in the region.

Keywords: auxiliary transport, diesel suspended monorail roads, fast track, preparatory works, self-propelled machines, transport and technological system.


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