
Research of the influence of dynamic loads on butterfly valves using computer modeling


K. Zabolotnyi1, V. Temchenko1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 77:207–217

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Purpose. The development of a methodology for conducting verification calculations of adjustable butterfly valves using computer modeling and analysis technologies. Implementation of the developed methodology for the DXO DN 400 PN 2.5 valve.

The methods. The geometric modeling of the DXO DN 400 PN 2.5 valve is carried out using the SolidWorks software. The obtained solid assembly is used to create computational models to investigate the valve’s performance. The SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2016 module is used for modeling hydrodynamic processes, while SolidWorks Simulation is used to study the valve’s stress-strain state. This combination of software products was chosen due to their high level of integration. The parametric model created in SolidWorks is used for calculations in Flow Simulation. The resulting kinematic and dynamic parameters of the fluid flow are transferred to Simulation for analyzing the stress-strain state of the structure.

Findings. Using the example of the DXO DN 400 PN 2.5 valve, a methodology for conducting verification calculations of adjustable butterfly valves has been substantiated. Computational models have been developed to establish flow pressure on the valve in SolidWorks Flow Simulation and the stress-strain state of the valve in SolidWorks Simulation. A series of calculations for various positions of the valve control element was performed. The dependence of the stress dynamicity coefficient on the disk rotation angle was analyzed. It was shown that hydrodynamic flow has a significant impact on the stress-strain state of the structure.

The originality. For the first time, a methodology for conducting verification calculations of adjustable butterfly valves using a parametric model created in SolidWorks, with the transfer of calculation results to the SolidWorks Flow Simulation and SolidWorks Simulation packages, has been proposed. It was demonstrated for the first time that maximum stresses in the disk tube and stiffening ribs of the DXO DN 400 PN 2.5 valve occur at angles between the disk plane and the plane perpendicular to the pipeline axis, which are 45° and 60°, respectively.

Practical implementation. The presented methodology simplifies the search for an optimal valve design among a wide range of possible design options.

Keywordsbutterfly valve, hydrodynamics, stress-strain state, SolidWorks, computational model, dynamicity coefficient.


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