
Research on the influence of the composition of carbide inserts for reinforcing a porous destructive tool on the limit of bending strength

S. Shypunov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 78:247–254

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Purpose. To establish the relationship between the composition of carbide inserts and their bending strength to optimize the material composition of the rock-blasting tool.

The methods. The research methodology is based on a combination of experimental, analytical and mathematical approaches. Theoretical training: review of the literature on the chemical composition and mechanical properties of hard alloys and the selection of optimal composition options for research. Experimental part: synthesis of alloys of different composition and formation of hard alloy inserts of non-standard sizes. The use of statistical methods to build models of dependence between the composition of the alloy and its strength limit.

Findings. A new method of determining the bending strength limit for a hard alloy has been developed, which is implemented in a new design of a special laboratory stand. The improved method of determining the transverse bending strength limit for hard alloys has been fully confirmed in production conditions and allowed to save on costs for the purchase of a diamond tool and on the time for grinding only due to the exclusion of preparatory diamond grinding.

The originality. It consists in studying the relationship between the composition of carbide inserts and the structural features of the material and makes the article relevant both for fundamental science and for industrial practice, contributing to the development of innovative approaches in creating materials with improved characteristics.

Practical implementation. Optimized hard alloy composition to achieve a balance between strength and wear resistance, evaluation of the impact of introducing alloying elements or matrix modification. Recommendations on the optimal composition of hard alloys for a rock-breaking tool, which will increase its wear resistance, durability and efficiency, have been developed.

Keywords: well, bit, bending strength, carbide insert, rock-breaking tool, hardness.


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