2018, №53

Azarian V.A.

Enhancement of accuracy of operative control of quality of reduced quarcits in open development

Anisimov O.O., Leontiuk I.V., Vorobiova O.M.

Determination of speed reduction of working areas of steep layers in dependence from technological schemes in the conditions of Poltava GOK

Vlasov S.F., Babenko V.E.

Determination of hydraulic losses in jet technology of gas hydrate deposit development in the sea bottom

Demchenko Yu.Y., Sotskov V.A., Mamaikyn A.R., Dytiuk V.E.

Investigation of the influence of physico-mechanical properties of water breeds on the parameters of hydraulic protection of extraction developments

Dychkovskyi R.O., Tabachenko M.M., Edgar Cáceres Cabana

Geo energy: retrospective and perspective

Dryzhenko A.Yu., Adamchuk A.A., Tamuia Sado Armand, Telnov V.H.

Research of inside dump parameters in worked-out area of deep opencast mines

Lozhnikov O.V., Pavlychenko A.V., Chebanov M.O.

Influence factors systemization on mining equipment selection at the man-caused deposits development

Skachkov A.A., Zhukov S.O.

Construction development of dropping draining technologies with differential circulation energy mash

Strilets O.P., Pcholkin H.D., Kustov V.V.

Using of segregation for development of technogenic deposits with the purpose of upgrading of products

Shyryn L.N., Fedorenko E.A., Klets A.P.

Features of advance degasification of roof rocks in the stopes of «Stepnaia» mine

Fomychev V.V., Pochepov V.N., Fomycheva L.Ia., Lapko V.V.

The investigation of stability of the working roof supported by two-level roof bolting for dynamic characteristics of the geomechanical system

Khomenko O.E., Kononenko M.N., Liashenko V.Y.

Evolution of principles of mine workings supporting

Denyshchenko O.V, Bartashevskyi S.Ie.

Increase of traction and braking parameters of mine locomotive transport by electric methods

Kolosov D.L., Bilous O.I., Tantsura H.I., Vorobiova O.M.

Determination of parameters of perturbation zone of a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable tractive body

Savchenko Yu.V.

Effect of nickel on the strength of a regenerated tungsten-cobalt alloy

Franchuk V.P., Zyborov K.A.

Dynamic model mine locomotive, implements tractive force at the contact point of wheel and rail

Vronskyi Yu.Y., Holovko S.D., Dykovenko V.Y., Tretiak A.V.

Modernization of the method of trigonometrical leveling at the use a lightrangemeters and electronic total stations

Fedorenko V.N., Vronskyi Yu.Y., Tretiak A.V.

Investigation of the behavior of the mountain massive after the lava passage in the conditions of the mines "Belitskaya" llc "DTEK Dobropoleugol"

Bublikov A.V., Nadtochyi V.V.

The modified algorithm of automatic control by electric heating with synchronization of the work of heaters in the time

Vypanasenko S.I., Dreshpak N.S.

Analysis of power regulation methods in induction heating technology

Meshcheriakov L.I.

Recognition of operative state futerovki of drum mills

Meshcheriakov L.I., Vypanasenko S.I., Dreshpak N.S., Shyrin A.L.

Forming of structure of subsystem of diagnostics of mountain electromechanics complexes

Alekseiev M.O., Holinko O.V.

Automatic diagnostics of stationary gas analyzers thermocatalytic

Beliaev N.N., Hunko E.Iu., Lemesh M.V.

Simulation of aeration tank work

Beliaev N.N., Dolyna L.F., Kyrychenko P.S., Kozachyna V.A.

Air pollution simulation near piles having comprehensive form

Beliaev N.N., Kalashnykov Y.V., Berlov A.V.

CFD modeling of territorial risk and air pollution during toxic chemical emission

Beliaev N.N., Rusakova T.І.

Prediction the level of air pollution of the city from active technogenic sources

Beliaeva V.V., Mashykhyna P.B., Yakubovskaia Z.N.

Simulation of ground waters pollution near pools with mine wastewaters

Besschastnыi A.V., Marchenko V.H., Stolbchenko E.V.

Development of the software choice of the main check ventilator

Dreval Yu.D., Shustov O.O., Karpets K.M.

About features of basic application concepts and categories in the labor protection sphere (on the example of mining engineering)

Kovrov O.S.

Ecological hazard of landslides in national and regional contexts

Tyshchuk V.Iu., Kovalova I.B., Bondarenko V.V.

Neutralization of harm gases in the coke-chemical industry

Cheberiachko S.I., Yavorska O.O.

Analysis of modern requirements to filtering devices of personal respiratory protective equipment

Yurchenko A.A., Lytvynenko A.A., Cheberiachko Y.M., Korzh O.A.

Investigation of dynamic parameters of coal dust in underground mountain processes

Innovation and technology


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