2018, №54

Adamchuk A. A., Shustov O. O.

System approach to selection of a new transport means for working in deep mines

Azarian V. A., Zhukov S. A.

The research of the influence of the quality of the final ore-flow on the forecast profit of the iron-ore mining processing plant

Anysymov O. A.

Technological solutions for placing main transport communications for the formation of the working zone of open pits by steep dipping layers

Vynyvytyn D. V., Nazarenko M. V., Khomenko S. A.

Geomechanical modeling of mines and dumps using K-MINE to minimize the disturbed lands areas in mining operations

Yefremov E. Y., Nikiforova V. A., Kratkovskyi Y. L., Ishchenko K. S., Nikolenko E. V.

Blasted breaking of hard mediums under differend gradient loading by еlongаted charges of variable diameter

Lutsenko S. O.

Liquidation of the overburden lag when changing the pen pit ore performance

Melnychenko N. P.

Use of wastes of the mineral complex for the production of concretes intended for repair of building constructions

Skachkov A. A.

Methodological basis for the development of symmetric blasting in conditions of differential energy accumulation of the rock massive by explosion

Sobko B. Yu., Haidin A. M.

Deposits of titanium and problems of their development

Sobko B. Yu., Lozhnikov O. V., Volchenko D. S.

Science achievements in the field of non-blasting technologies application during the surface mining non-ore minerals

Sobko B. Yu., Panchenko V. V., Vynyvytyn D. V.

Substantiation of technological principles of operational planning of surface mining

Strilets O. P., Pcholkin H. D., Zhmura D. S., Mekshun M. R.

Investigation and substantiation of efficiency of working out of a draft with dragline from one position with moving of a ground to an angle to 220 degrees at working out of smooth deposits

Tymoshchuk V. I., Saviuk O. A., Sherstiuk Ye. A.

Regularities in the formation of water influx into the open-pit mine from the alluvial aquifer at the north-eastern side of PJSC "INGZK" open-pit mine

Cherniaiev O. V., Posunko L. M., Rastsvietaiev V. O., Cherniaieva O. V., Volchenko D. C.

Efficiency of natural ventilation of workplaces in the open pit of Poltava mining-and-processing integrated works with the application of modern equipment

Saik P. B., Lozynskyi V. H., Petlovanyi M. V., Sai K. S., Stryzhakov Ye. M.

Modern approach to the development energy resources of residual and non-commercial coal reserves

Zuievska N. V., Hubashova V. Ye., Shaidetska L. V.

Features of influence of building machinery and equipment on the stability of foundation pit construction in urban area

Fomychev V. V., Pochepov V. N., Fomycheva L. Ya., Lapko V. V.

Determine of the optimum stress-deformed state of two-level bolting support for variation parameters of rope bolts installation

Ahaiev R. A., Kliuiev E. S., Sapunova I. O.

Determination of quality parameters of solid carbon-contained raw material in laboratory conditions for its thermal processing

Bublikov A. V., Taran I. O.

The creation of simulations of elements of complicated transport systems based on specialized computer programs

Haidin A. M.


Zakharova L. M.

Substantiation of a short and distant interaction criterion during evolution of the dissipative structures in the rock mass

Savchenko Yu. V.

Shock-wave destruction of the solid alloy

Sdvyzhkova O .A., Kovrov O. S., Mnishenko T. V.

Statistical assessment of clay rocks strength properties

Tymoshchuk V. I., Papusha T. V., Holovko V. T.

Experience in determining the deformation properties of metallurgical slags during the reconstruction of blast furnace no. 3 to the combine "Zaporizhstal"

Khalymendyk O. V., Vyhodin M. O., Solodiankin O. V.

Technology of creating a backfill between the support and rock contour in the construction of mine workings

Shyryn L. N., Fedorenko E. A., Sharafan N. Y.

Indices of the efficiency of degasification methods applied for coal rock mass in the context of highload stopes

Sudakova D. A.

Results of standing research of thermomechanical technology of insulation of absorbing horizons by tamponatic thermoplastic composite materials

Dybrin S. V.

Choice of capacitive energy storage to increase the number of electric locomotives of mine transport with inductive energy transfer that are operated on the horizon

Ahaiev R. A., Sheiko A. V.

Improvement of methods for determining the methane content of rocks

Beliaev N. N., Kalashnykov Y. V., Berlov A. V.

3D CFD model to assess territorial risk in urban area

Beliaev N. N., Lemesh M. V., Mashykhyna P. B.

Simplified model to simulate the aeration tank work

Biliaiev M. M., Rusakova T. I.

Computer assessment of the level of pollution of atmospheric air under action of technogenic sources

Biliaev M. M., Slavynskaia Ye. S., Kyrychenko R. V.

Prediction of air pollution in case of traffic emissions with account of admixture transfer and it’s absorbtion by road

Zaikina D. P.

Improvement of the model for protection at the mining indusry

Ikonnikova N. A., Yurchenko A. A., Ikonnikov M. Yu.

Experimental investigations of the coefficient of capture of iron-ore dust with water drops during its irrigation

Popovych V. V., Voloshchyshyn A. I.

Vegetative reclamation of mining dumps within Lviv-Volyn coal basin area

Innovation and technology


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