2020, №63



Editorial Board



B. Sobko, O. Lozhnikov, R. Dychkovskyi
Determination of the common man-caused clay deposit parameters in the internal pit dump

B. Sobko, V. Kardash
Research of development system parameters at carrying out overburden works in conditions of Motronivsko – Annivsky placer deposit

I. Hryhoriev, S. Lutsenko, Ju. Hryhoriev, Je. Tkachuk, M. Ghora
Study of the influence of excavator typesize on the boundaries of open pit mining

S. Mineev, V. Kocherga, L. Novikov, A. Gulay, A. Bodnar
Basic requirements to contamination preventions and floods for gas pipelines of degassing and vacuum pumps

D. Savelyev, I. Shaikhlislamova, A. Jurchenко, І. Luts
Results of studies of hardening heap of charges of explosive

A. Khorolskyi, V. Lapko, V. Salli, O. Mamaikin
Substantiation of technology of demineralization of wastewater as a component of technological flows of coal mines

S. Cheberiachko, Yu. Cheberiachko, O. Deryugin, O. Shustov, D. Savelyev
Recommendations when using filter respirators for reducing the risk of occupational diseases

А. Pavlуchenko, О. Haidai, V. Firsova, T. Lampika
Optimization of physical and mechanical parameters of fuel products obtained from treatment of coal industry waste

D. Kolosov, S. Onyshchenko
Justification of method of calculationof stress-strain state of hoisting rubber-cable ropeconsidering influence of cable base breakages and multiple factors

V. Kozachyna, O. Gromova, О. Gunko, V. Kaspiitseva, M. Chirva
Waste water treatment calculation on the basis of express model

Yu. Kravchenko, V. Derbaba
Empirical definition of the shearing angle and chip-edge contact length when cutting

I. Nikitenko, O. Suprunenko
Results of a petrographic study of the material of the scythian stele from the poltava Museum of local lore

T. Khomyak, N. Kokhanchyk, A. Malienko
Solving the vehicle routing problem at the enterprise

Innovation and technology


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