2023, №75



Editorial Board



N. Zuievska, T. Hrebeniuk, Y. Zuievskyi

Application of GIS for analysis of environmental aspects of mineral deposits

I. Miroshnykov

Current application directions for the weathering rind of molybdenum deposits of Ukraine

O. Chernobuk, V. Ishkov, Ye. Kozii, M. Kozar, P. Pashchenko, O. Dreshpak

Germanium connection with ash content and toxic elements in coal on the example of c5 seam of the Blagodatna mine field

O. Bohdanov, V. Derbaba, S. Dubrovskyi, V. Ruban, N. Nazarenko

Study of cutting temperature during turning of high-hard cast irons

N. Zuievska, O. Vovk, R. Kharchenko

Modeling destructive effects of an explosion in an urban environment using ANSYS AUTODYN

S. Patsera, V. Derbaba, V. Ruban, S. Dubrovskyi

A virtual device for computer simulation of stresses in the area of blade-chip contact

R. Stasevich, R. Ahaiev, O. Stasevich

Results of the testing of an automated control system and the application of natural gas burners

Ya. Yaroshenko, O. Bobrov, A. Kolb, D. Tsyplenkov, A. Hrebeniuk, A. Loboda

Hydrogen and prospects of hydrogen energy

I. Novytskyi, Y. Shevchenko

Distribution of resources in the system of decentralized management

O. Kovrov, A. Hetta, V. Fedotov, V. Gruntova, A. Balaniuk

Prospects for phytorecultivation of degraded lands by composite biohumus briquette

Т. Yakovyshyna

Features of evaluation of the energy-ecological effect from the introduction of thermal modernization in urban heating networks

O. Aziukovskyi, V. Gryshchak, D. Hryshchak, K. Ziborov, S. Fedoriachenko, D. Harkavenko, V. Korol

Numerical simulation of an external ballistic problem using analytical approach and atmosphere flow visualization by finite element method

O. Нolovchenko

Study of the influence of the mode of rotation of pipe in the cold rolling process on the microstructure, mechanical properties and accuracy

K. Zabolotny, V. Kukhar, О. Panchenko

Technology of manufacturing composite phenol-nylon lining of drums of mine hoisting machines

К. Zabolotnyi, О. Panchenko, V. Kukhar, O. Zhupiiev, M. Polushyna, T. Moskalova, О. Antsiferov

Justification of the algorithm for selecting parameters of composite linings for drums of mine hoisting machines

A. Monia

Mathematical model of pressure and temperature distribution in working area of mine locomotive disc brake

Т. Moskalova, М. Polushyna, К. Zabolotnyi

Analytical review of methods for determining the parameters of the groove profile of cable drums

V. Symonenko

Substantiation of the methodology for calculation of rope-capacity cylindrical drums of mine hoist machine

V. Franchuk, О. Antsiferov

Calculation of technological modes of operation of vertical vibrating mill

A. Shkut

Research on the dynamics of transitional regimes in an inertial screen with two motor vibrators

D. Kolosov, O. Bilous, H. Tantsura, S. Onyshchenko, Y. Kovalova, P. Chernysh

Stress state of a composite tractive element with cable rigidity variable over length considering bending on a drum with curved generatrix

Innovation and technology


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