2020, №60



Editorial Board



B. Sobko, V. Kardash

Justification of efficiency of application of technological scheme for overburden development in conditions of Motronivsky-Annivsky watered placer

O. Anisimov

The solution to the problem of the placement of internal dumps in the development for forming the deep pit edges by steep dipping layers

A. Baskevich, V. Kulivar, I. Chobotko, A. Kurliak, O. Balakin

About stability of connection of diatomic molecule in the field of electric charge

А. Bondarenko, O. Shustov

Substantiation of the parameters of the erosion jet underwater face

D. Zaikina

Justification of co-relation of occupational safety and business profits

N. Zuievska, V. Gubashova

Stabilization of the soil mass with the injection anchors. Comparative analysis of design features

O. Lozhnikov

Methodological base of recourse-saving technology evaluation at the surface mining of flooded titanium zirconium deposits

T. Lubenets

Determination of the tension of the conveyor belt of the belt conveyor

S. Mineev, S. Makeiev, І. Belikov, P. Samopalenko, А. Golovko

Issues of possible ignitions of methane-air mixture in the mine due to the implementation of mechanoelectric and piezoelectric effects during coal mining

T. Pichka

Conversion of the coal microstructure affected by weak electrical fieldaction

G. Pcholkin, О. Valenkо

Substantiation of technology of development of technogenic deposit of Novotroitsky enterprise

V. Symonenko, O. Cherniaiev, L. Hrytsenko, O. Cherniaievа, V. Synkevych

The ecologically safe development of solid non-metallic deposits with transporting by conveyor

N. Feofanov, A. Feofanov

Characterization of waste piles by surveying and geodetic measurements

M. Chebanov

Substantiation of the rational installation location of a dragline excavator in the face when working with dump trucks

O. Kovrov, I. Klimkina, A. Samarska, S. Krasovskyi

Laboratory investigation of the process of heavy metals bioleaching as an acid mine drainage phenomena

V. Kolesnyk, А. Pavlуchenko, І. Moniuk

Rationale of the calculated method of operating determination of current emissions of district boilers, their indicators of their energy efficiency and the degree of environmental hazard

A. Mulina, А. Pavlуchenko

Study of the state of green areas in Dnipro in the area of influence of road transport

O. Orlinska, D. Pikarenya, H. Hapich, N. Maksymova, L. Rudakov, I. Chushkina

Evaluation of technical state and environmental safety of Kilchen irrigation system main canal operation

I. Belmas, D. Kolosov, S. Onyshchenko, I. Bobylova

Partial restoration of tractive ability of rubber-cable tractive element with damaged cable base

O. Dolgov, I. Dolgova, D. Kolosov

Crack kinetics in an isotropic plate of variable thickness

Yu. Kravchenko, S. Patsera

The number of abrasive grains in the contact area and cutting thickness during a grinding process

Т. Dubelt

Study of changes of reconstruction durability of residential houses of first mass series


Innovation and technology


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