Editorial Board
B. Sobko, O. Lozhnikov, M. Chebanov, A. Tukhtashev, O. Giyazov
Study of the rational step of the concentration horizon transfer with a steeply inclined conveyor at the Muruntau pit
M. Beltek, O. Han, A. Frolov
Modeling the process of explosive destruction of rock massifs of different strength in ANSYS AUTODYN
D. Brovko, A. Bolotnikov, A. Romanenko
Study of the stability of a rock waste dump on weak soil: a case study of the oxidized quartzite dump
P. Saik, V. Falshtynskyi
Utilization of carbon dioxide during borehole underground coal gasification
O. Khomenko, M. Kononenko, I. Myronova, A. Kosenko
The effect of emulsion explosives on atmospheric air in underground iron ore mining
К. Коlchev
Peat deposits in Ukraine and in the world: current state, reserves, problems of geological and economic evaluation
I. Sadovenko, V. Tymoshchuk, А. Zahrytsenko, Y. Sherstiuk
Quantitative assessment of groundwater resource storage capacity and geomechanical stability of a disturbed rock massif
V. Tymoshchuk, А. Zahrytsenko, Y. Sherstiuk, І. Chushkina
Numerical spatial groundwarer flow model of the Novotroitske flux limestone deposit
V. Tymoshchuk, Y. Tymoshchuk, D. Sinkevych
Hydrodynamic regime modeling of the tailing dump to justify the selection of the proposed construction site
Yu. Golovko, O. Shashenko
On the calculation of forecasting parameters of gas-dynamic phenomena from spectra of seismo-acoustic signals
N. Zuievska, L. Shaidetska, R. Kharchenko, Y. Zuievskyi
Reconstruction of urban underground structures for dual purpose
P. Lomazov, А. Pavlуchenko, Yu. Buchavyi
Optimisation and improvement of the technical equipment of stationary air monitoring stations in agglomerations
О. Nazarenko, А. Berezovska, Ye. Buyakova, O. Ischenko, Y. Sherstiuk
Substantiation of components of ecological groundwater recharge system for metallurgical regions ofsouthernUkraine
A. Pavlychenko, A. Ihnatov, Ye. Stavychnyi, Ye. Koroviaka, I. Askerov
Determination of individual tasks for the protection of soils and subsoil during the construction of wells in oil and gas fields
L. Rudakov
Dniprovske tailing dump: history, current hazards, control methods and environmental protection measures
О. Sidashenko, I. Myronova, K. Tymchyi
Composition of microflora of biofertilizers obtained using vermicomposting and composting technologies
V. Tsopa, S. Cheberiachko, I. Lutsenko, O. Deryugin, O. Shustov, L. Cheberiachko
Improving the risk management process according to ISO 31000:2018 and with the implementation of Industry 5.0 principles
D. Laukhin, K. Ziborov, І. Soloviov, V. Filatov
Material scientific fundamentals of the application of high-tension, high-viscus steels for special-purpose structures
M. Sobolenko, M. Alekseev
Investigation of the influence of technological parameters on the kinetics of austenite decomposition in boron-containing steel
I. Akolzin, O. Samoilenko, Ye. Koroviaka, O. Adamenko
A weighted average empirical model for determining the capacity of vertical steel tanks during their calibration using the electronic-optical remote measurement method
M. Lubkov
Optimal installation of gorizontal wells in the low-permeable anisotropic oil reservoirs
S. Shypunov
Research on the influence of the composition of carbide inserts for reinforcing a porous destructive tool on the limit of bending strength