2022, №68



Editorial Board



О. Аnisimov, K. Bardakov
Stages of creating an internal dump in a deep pit

М. Antoshchenko, Ye. Rudniev, Е. Filatieva, M. Filatiev
On the correspondence of hilt's rule to metamorphic transformations of coal seams

V. Bondarenko, I. Kovalevska, H. Symanovych, Ye. Tsivka, I. Sheka
Substantiation of efficiency of use of carbon-fiber reinforcedplastic fasteners for mining products in Western Donbass mines

M. Kononenko, O. Khomenko, I. Kovalenko, I. Myronova
Examination of density and detonation velocity of emulsion explosives

D. Rudakov, I. Sadovenko, О. Inkin, N. Dereviahina
Justification of environmentally safe water levelin “Novohrodivska 2” minefor protectingadjacent areasfrom flooding

V. Snihur
Methodological principles and recommendations for the development of innovative technologies when maintaining reusable mine workings in the western Donbas Mines

A. Khorolskyi, L. Fomychova, V. Pochepov, O. Mamaikin, V. Lapko
Results of research of innovative potential of coal mines in conditions of diversification

I. Cheberiachko, Ye. Kyrychenko, Yu. Cheberiachko, O.Trofymova, O. Shustov
Research in the vortex installation drying, grinding and removal of chlorine-containing impurities from iron oxide

O. Shustov, A. Adamchuk
Substantiating the parameters of deep surfacemine reloading works during operation of combined conveyor-railway transport

B. Sobko, O. Lozhnikov, O. Tregub
Determination the influence of haulage distance of raw materials on road dump trucks output

R. Kiriia, A. Smirnov, L. Novikov
Determining the motion resistance force to belt on load bearing structure of a tubular belt conveyor

I. Nikitenko
Dolerites and diabases of theMiddle Dnipro area as raw material for ancient stone products

D. Rudakov, О. Inkin, N. Dereviahina
Analysis of types of geothermal systemsfor using heat resource of closed mines

V. Kozechko
Peculiarities of manufacture of large diameter welding pipes and method of their heat treatment

D. Norenko, V. Kuhar
A justification of the experimental facility for research of the filter mesh cleaning up by the brush cleaner

I. Kolysnychenko
Research of dynamic signals of single platform railway scales

S. Krasovskyi, O. Kovrov, I. Klimkina, O. Wiche, H. Heilmeier
The influence of heavy metals upon the growth onWall barley (Hordeum murinum) and Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus)

Innovation and technology


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